MFK, the next generation of
Digital Music.
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MFK News

2 BIG bugs SOLVED!!

Bug #1 -
    If you tried to recompress a .MFK file, an error code was generated and a copy of the file was stored in the \logfiles folder. However, the error did was not showed to user.
    This error apparently, gave the user the impression that the file was really compressed. In the decompression of the file, the backup copy made in \logfiles dir was restored, however the same bug did not show to the user that file was damaged and a backup copy has been restored
Fixes #1: Now, the messages are active. -There is no more possible to recompress a MFK file.

Bug #2 -
    Mafuka Player is not a real-time player. It works by decompression of a .MFK file to a .MP3 stream into RAM. After this, it saves the resulting file in \logfiles directory while plays the audio stream. At the application's end, the \logfiles dir should be erased, but it was not occurred. If was tried to decompress a .MFK file again, a decompression error was happened because the temporary file which should be generated has been in the \logfiles dir.
    This error flagged the .MFK file as damaged, but the user was not notified of the problem because the same reason showed in bug #1. However, as the temporary archive already existed in the \logfiles folder, this was played by Mafuka without problems.
Fixes #2: The files stored in \logfiles folder is now stored in Windows TEMP folder at the opening, and no more error has generated if the file exists.

To correct all errors, please reinstall the MFK FULL PACK.

The MFK History

Based in the theory of the Dr Keiji Mafuka, PhD, the Mafuka algoritm is based in very complex mathematical equation using Gaussian Interpolations combinated with Fast Fourier Transforms.

In your study about variations and infinitesimals aproximations in a caothic system, Dr. Keiji create the basis to a new compression technology developed by NITEC (Nagoya Institute of Technology) and coordenated by Dr S. Yamamoto.

In the last winter, some informations about this technology had been published in NITEC Intranet and 4 students decided develop a free
MP3 compressor using this technology, getting fantastic results.

This technology is not free, however is not registered at this moment, therefore we cannot divulge more information.

MFK Compression

MaFuKa compression reduces a MP3 file up to 60% of original size. The loss of quality is between 0.09 and 0.3% the original file.

Many interpolations are done trough from internal Floating-point operations. This operations are specific functions of models of processors technology MMX, MMX 2, 3DNow, causing imcompatibility between files generated in different computers and generating decode´s error.

Enjoy this revolution!

The NITEC Free Technology Group..

Get MFK Install Pack now!
MFK Full Pack (1.4 Mb) (mirror site)(BugFixed 21/11)
MFK/MP3 Player
(mirror site)(BugFixed 21/11)
MFK Compressor
(mirror site)(BugFixed 21/11)

MFK Decompressor
(mirror site)(BugFixed 21/11)
MFK Tecnology
The Genius:
Dr. Keiji Mafuka
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