

Dice VQF Player

Dice VQF Player This is a small player developed by Softuarium, 100% focused on VQF playback. It does not support MP3 or even WAV files.

It sports a simple, pleasing interface, but not many features other than VQL playlists. The options screen only allows tou to select colors for various interface components. Also, there seems to be a 5th button in the interface that you can barely click and can not see what it is supposed to do... (in fact, it is the command to jump to the next track in the playlist)

You can still check a mirror of the Dice VQF web site at the Internet Archive.

Thanks to Zachary Jelesoff for sending this player.

Date: 2000-07-27
Version: 1.4
Interface: Graphical
Platform: Win32
Download: - 1047kB

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